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The GB-4000 has the capability to sweep when running any of the 2000 programmable auto channels. The new channel sweep covers a variable range from 10 Hertz to 10,000 Hertz. If you are running a frequency of 2000 Hertz and decide that you want a to sweep 1000 Hertz then the sweep will start at 1500 Hertz and will end at 2500 Hertz. This sweep always covers the frequency range chosen with half the frequency range dropping below the targeted frequency or frequencies to half the range going above the targeted frequency or frequencies used. This type of sweep is desirable when you want variability in your frequency or frequencies you are running.
Yes. One of the great features of the GB-4000 is that it is capable of doing two kinds of sweep functions.
1) SWEEP: Allows you to run a specified frequency range of your choosing, one frequency at a time. The instrument sweeps from your beginning frequency to your ending frequency.
2) CONVERGENCE SWEEP: Allows you to run two frequencies at a time over a specified frequency range of your choosing. The instrument sweeps from your beginning frequency to the ending frequency and at the same time sweeps from the ending frequency to the beginning frequency. The result is that the two frequencies sweep towards each other, then pass each other, one going up and the other going down and each ending where the other frequency began.